Monday, June 17, 2024


Pediatric Kidney Care in India: Spotlight on Dr. Sidharth Sethi

 Pediatric Kidney Care in India

Pediatric Kidney Care in India: Spotlight on Dr. Sidharth Sethi

In the realm of pediatric healthcare, the kidneys often take a backseat compared to more visibly urgent health concerns. However, pediatric nephrology is a critical field that ensures the proper functioning of these vital organs in children. One of the leading figures in this specialty in India is Dr. Sidharth Sethi, a name synonymous with excellence in pediatric nephrology.

Who is Dr. Sidharth Sethi?

Dr. Sidharth Sethi is a distinguished pediatric nephrologist practicing in India. He has dedicated his career to diagnosing, treating, and managing kidney-related issues in children, offering a beacon of hope to many families dealing with complex renal conditions. With a rich educational background and extensive experience, Dr. Sethi has established himself as a trusted name in pediatric kidney care.

Educational Background and Professional Journey

Dr. Sethi’s journey into the field of pediatric nephrology began with his medical education, where he displayed an early interest in nephrology. He completed his MBBS from a reputable medical college, followed by specialized training in pediatric nephrology. Dr. Sethi’s commitment to his field is evident from his rigorous academic pursuits and continued involvement in research and education.

He has trained at some of the most prestigious institutions, gaining invaluable experience that has shaped his approach to pediatric kidney care. His dedication to staying updated with the latest advancements in nephrology ensures that his patients receive the best possible care.

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Sethi specializes in a wide range of kidney-related issues in children, including but not limited to:

1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD):

Managing CKD in children requires a comprehensive approach, combining medication, dietary management, and regular monitoring. Dr. Sethi’s expertise ensures that young patients receive tailored treatment plans to manage their condition effectively.

2. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI):

Dr. Sethi is proficient in diagnosing and treating AKI, ensuring swift and accurate intervention to prevent long-term damage to the kidneys.

3. Nephrotic Syndrome:

This chronic condition, characterized by excessive protein loss in the urine, is one of Dr. Sethi’s key areas of focus. His approach involves a combination of medication, lifestyle adjustments, and regular follow-ups.

4. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):

Recurrent UTIs in children can lead to significant kidney damage. Dr. Sethi’s expertise helps in identifying the root cause and providing effective treatment to prevent recurrence.

5. Hypertension:

High blood pressure in children is often linked to kidney issues. Dr. Sethi’s comprehensive care approach includes managing hypertension to ensure overall kidney health.

Patient-Centered Approach

What sets Dr. Sidharth Sethi apart is his patient-centered approach. He believes in involving the family in the treatment process, ensuring they are well-informed and comfortable with the care plan. His empathetic nature and excellent communication skills make him a favorite among both patients and their families.

Contributions to Pediatric Nephrology

Dr. Sethi is not just a practitioner but also a contributor to the field of pediatric nephrology. He is actively involved in research, aiming to find better treatment methods and improve patient outcomes. His work is regularly published in reputable medical journals, and he is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.


In a country like India, where specialized pediatric care can often be challenging to access, Dr. Sidharth Sethi’s contributions to pediatric nephrology are invaluable. His dedication to his patients, combined with his expertise and compassionate approach, makes him a beacon of hope for many families. Whether dealing with common kidney ailments or complex renal conditions, Dr. Sethi’s comprehensive and empathetic care ensures that his young patients receive the best possible treatment and support.

For parents seeking top-tier kidney care for their children, Dr. Sidharth Sethi stands out as a leading pediatric nephrologist in India, offering unparalleled expertise and compassionate care.

To schedule an appointment With the Pediatric Kidney Transplant Specialist in Delhi, please contact:
 Dr. Sidharth Sethi (Pediatric Kidney Transplant Specialist in Delhi)
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124–4141414

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Kidney Disease Care especially for Children

Kidney Disease Care especially for Children

Dr Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney, especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service center for children.

Dr Sethi & team believes in personalized care that focuses on individual patient and family needs. Our team understands the challenges many of our families face when trying to access the care they need. Our caring goes beyond diagnostics and treatment. Our team is nationally recognized for their innovation, experience, dedication and expertise. We have the newest dialysis technology and provides comprehensive kidney transplant care to children of all ages.

Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi

Kidney & Urology Institute

He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.

He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals.

To schedule an appointment With the Child Kidney Doctor in Delhi, please contact:
 Dr. Sidharth Sethi (Child Kidney Doctor in Delhi)
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124–4141414

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Unraveling Excellence: Dr. Sidharth Sethi, the Premier Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon


Unraveling Excellence: Dr. Sidharth Sethi, the Premier Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon

In the realm of pediatric healthcare, certain individuals stand out as beacons of excellence, bringing hope and healing to families in need. Among them is Dr. Sidharth Sethi, a distinguished child kidney specialist based in Gurgaon. With a passion for pediatric nephrology and a dedication to compassionate care, Dr. Sethi has earned a reputation as a trusted expert in his field.

For countless families grappling with kidney issues in their children, Dr. Sethi is a guiding light. His expertise spans a wide range of kidney conditions, from congenital anomalies to acquired diseases. With a keen eye for diagnosis and a personalized approach to treatment, he ensures that each child receives the best possible care tailored to their unique needs.

Kidney Disease Care especially for Children

Dr Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney, especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service center for children.

Dr Sethi & team believes in personalized care that focuses on individual patient and family needs. Our team understands the challenges many of our families face when trying to access the care they need. Our caring goes beyond diagnostics and treatment. Our team is nationally recognized for their innovation, experience, dedication and expertise. We have the newest dialysis technology and provides comprehensive kidney transplant care to children of all ages.

What sets Dr. Sidharth Sethi apart is not just his medical proficiency, but also his empathy and understanding towards young patients and their families. He takes the time to listen, to explain, and to provide support every step of the way, easing the burden of uncertainty that often accompanies medical challenges.

Dr. Sethi’s commitment to excellence extends beyond his clinical practice. He is actively involved in research and academic pursuits, striving to advance the field of pediatric nephrology and improve outcomes for his patients. Through his contributions to medical literature and participation in conferences, he remains at the forefront of medical innovation.

In the bustling city of Gurgaon, where healthcare choices abound, Dr. Sidharth Sethi shines as a beacon of reliability and expertise in pediatric nephrology. Families trust him implicitly, knowing that their child’s well-being is in the hands of a caring and skilled specialist.

To parents facing the daunting prospect of kidney issues in their children, Dr. Sethi offers not just medical expertise, but also hope and reassurance. With him, they find not only a doctor, but a partner in their journey towards healing and wellness.

In conclusion, Dr. Sidharth Sethi’s unwavering dedication to his young patients and his commitment to excellence make him the premier child kidney specialist in Gurgaon, a trusted ally in the quest for pediatric health and happiness.

To schedule an appointment With Dr. Sidharth Sethi for Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon, please contact:
Name: Dr. Sidharth Sethi (Pediatric Doctor)
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124–4141414

Friday, May 3, 2024


Enhancing Pediatric Renal Health: The Compassionate Care of Dr. Sidharth Sethi in Delhi



In the sprawling city of Delhi, amidst the rush of daily life, there shines a beacon of hope and healing for children battling renal disorders. Dr. Sidharth Sethi, a distinguished Pediatric Dialysis Specialist, stands at the forefront of pediatric nephrology, offering not just medical expertise but also a compassionate touch that uplifts young hearts and their families. Let’s delve into the world of pediatric renal health and explore how Dr. Sethi’s commitment to excellence is making a difference.

Understanding Pediatric Renal Health:

Pediatric nephrology deals with kidney-related issues in children, encompassing a wide spectrum of conditions ranging from congenital anomalies to acquired diseases. These conditions can significantly impact a child’s growth, development, and overall well-being, necessitating specialized care tailored to their unique needs.

Dr. Sidharth Sethi:

A Beacon of Excellence: With a stellar academic background and years of clinical experience, Dr. Sidharth Sethi has emerged as a trusted authority in pediatric renal care in Delhi. His journey is not just defined by medical proficiency but also by a profound sense of empathy and compassion that resonates with every child and family under his care.

Comprehensive Services Offered:

Dr. Sethi’s practice revolves around providing comprehensive care for children with renal disorders, with a focus on optimizing outcomes and enhancing quality of life. Some key services offered by Dr. Sethi include:

  1. Dialysis Management: Dr. Sethi utilizes advanced dialysis techniques and technologies to provide optimal care for children with renal failure. Whether it’s hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, he ensures that each child receives personalized treatment tailored to their specific needs.
  2. Renal Transplant Evaluation: For eligible patients, renal transplantation can offer a new lease on life. Dr. Sethi conducts thorough evaluations and provides guidance to families considering this option, ensuring seamless coordination throughout the transplant journey.
  3. Nutritional Counseling: Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in managing pediatric renal disorders. Dr. Sethi offers personalized nutritional counseling to ensure that children receive the essential nutrients they need to thrive despite their condition.
  4. Psychosocial Support: Coping with a chronic illness can be challenging for children and their families. Dr. Sethi provides compassionate psychosocial support, helping them navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of their journey with empathy and understanding.

The Impact of Dr. Sethi’s Care:

Through his unwavering dedication and compassionate approach, Dr. Sidharth Sethi has touched the lives of countless children and families facing the challenges of pediatric renal disorders. His commitment to excellence, combined with his innate empathy, Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in Delhi has not only improved medical outcomes but has also instilled hope and positivity in the hearts of those he serves.


In the realm of pediatric renal health in Delhi, Dr. Sidharth Sethi stands as a shining example of excellence and compassion. His holistic approach to care, coupled with his relentless pursuit of excellence, is transforming lives and shaping a brighter future for children battling renal disorders. As a beacon of hope and healing, Dr. Sethi continues to inspire hope and instill courage in the hearts of his young patients and their families, reaffirming his position as a trusted guardian of pediatric renal health in Delhi.

To schedule an appointment With the Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in Delhi, please contact:
Name: Pediatric Nephrology India
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124–4141414

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Dr. Sidharth Sethi: Leading the Way as a Child Kidney Doctor in Delhi

In the realm of pediatric healthcare, certain individuals shine as beacons of expertise and compassion, particularly in specialized fields like pediatric nephrology. Among these dedicated professionals is Dr. Sidharth Sethi, a renowned child kidney doctor practicing in Delhi. With his exceptional skills, extensive experience, and profound commitment to children's health, Dr. Sethi has emerged as a trusted figure in the field of pediatric nephrology in the capital city.

Meet Dr. Sidharth Sethi

Dr. Sidharth Sethi is not just a pediatric nephrologist; he is a champion for children's health and well-being. Armed with a stellar academic background and comprehensive training in pediatric nephrology, Dr. Sethi has dedicated his career to caring for young patients with kidney-related disorders. His journey in the medical field is marked by a deep-seated passion for improving children's lives through expert medical care and compassionate support.

Expertise and Specialization

As a child kidney doctor, Dr. Sidharth Sethi specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of kidney disorders in pediatric patients. From congenital anomalies and urinary tract infections to nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney disease, Dr. Sethi possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise in managing various kidney-related conditions in children. His approach to care is comprehensive, focusing not only on treating the underlying condition but also on optimizing the overall health and well-being of his young patients.

Compassionate Care

What truly sets Dr. Sidharth Sethi apart is his compassionate approach to patient care. He understands the unique challenges and concerns that children and their families face when dealing with kidney-related disorders, and he strives to provide not just medical treatment but also emotional support and guidance throughout the treatment journey. Dr. Sethi believes in building strong, trusting relationships with his young patients and their families, ensuring that they feel heard, valued, and empowered to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Dr. Sidharth Sethi practices at leading healthcare institutions in Delhi, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology. These facilities are designed to provide pediatric patients with access to comprehensive kidney care, including diagnostic services, medical management, and surgical interventions, if necessary. With a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, Dr. Sethi ensures that each child receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.

Community Engagement and Education

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Sidharth Sethi is actively involved in community engagement and education initiatives aimed at raising awareness about pediatric kidney health and disease prevention. He conducts workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate parents, caregivers, and healthcare providers about the importance of early detection, timely intervention, and healthy lifestyle habits to promote kidney health in children.


In the realm of pediatric nephrology, Dr. Sidharth Sethi stands out as a beacon of expertise, compassion, and dedication to children's health. His unwavering commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered care has earned him the trust and admiration of colleagues, patients, and families alike. As he continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children with kidney-related disorders, Dr. Sethi remains steadfast in his mission to ensure that every child receives the expert care and support they need to thrive. If you're searching for a child kidney doctor in Delhi, Dr. Sidharth Sethi is undoubtedly a name you can trust.

To schedule an appointment With the Child kidney doctor in Delhi, please contact:
Name: Pediatric Nephrology India
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124-4141414

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Why choose a Child Kidney Doctor in India

 Child Kidney Doctor in India

Child Kidney Doctor in India

Dr Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney, especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service center for children.

Dr Sethi & team believes in personalized care that focuses on individual patient and family needs. Our team understands the challenges many of our families face when trying to access the care they need. Our caring goes beyond diagnostics and treatment. Our team is nationally recognized for their innovation, experience, dedication and expertise. We have the newest dialysis technology and provides comprehensive kidney transplant care to children of all ages.

To schedule an appointment With Child Kidney Doctor in India, please contact:
 Pediatric Nephrology India
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124–4141414

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Dr. Sidharth Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney, especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service center for children.